Title Name Subject Call no. Year/Vol.
The Cytology and Life-History of Bacteria K.A.Bisset Bacteria 589.9 B.C 1950
Classical Mechanics. H.C.Corben Mechanics 631.3 C.C 1950
Electronic Processes in Ionic Crystals N.F.Mott,M.A Ceryrtallization 541.22 M.E 1950
Fundamentals of Plant Physiology Husein Said Plant Physiology 581.1 S.F 1950
Fungi, Friends and Foes A.F.Parker-Rbodes Fungi 589.2 P.F 1950
Fourth International Congress of Soil Science.Voil.1,2,3,4 Hoitsema Brothers-Groningen Soil Science-Conference. 631.48 F 1950
Introduction to Modern Physics. F.K.Richtmyer Physics 530 R.I 1950
Introduction to the Bacteria "2"copies C.E.Clifton Bacteria 589.9 C.I 1950
Land Drainage R.G Kendall Drainage 631.6 K.L 1950
Moisture Requirements in Agriculture. Harry Burgess Roe 1-Plants-water requirements 2-Soil Moisture 631.432 R.M 1950
A Manual of Soil Fungi Joseph C.Gilman Soil Fungi 632.4 G.M 1950
Oxidation-Reduction Potentials in Bacteriology and Biochemistry L.F.Hewitt Biochemistry Bacteriology 574.19258 H.O 1950
Physics A Textbook for Colleges . Oscar M.Stewart Physics 530 S.P 1950
Principles of Ionic Organic Reactions. Elliot R. Alexander Carlaniumions 541.2 A.P 1950
The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions Herbert S.Harned Solution(Chemistry) Electroanlysis 541.3 H.P 1950
Physico-Chemical Constants of Pure Organic Compounds J.Timmermans Chemistry ,Physical and Organic 547 T.P 1950
Progress in Chromatography 1938-1947. L.Zechmeister Chromatography 547.3492 Z.P 1950
Recent Progress in Hormone Research vol.4,5 Gregory Pincus Hormone 574.194 P.R 1950
Structure of Molecules and the Chemical Bond Y.K.Syrkin M.E.Dyatkina Molecules 541.2 D.S 1950
Solvents Thos H. Durrans Solvents 541.34 D.S 1950