Title Name Subject Call no. Year/Vol.
An Introduction to Plant Biochemistry"2 Copies" Catherine Cassels Botanical Chemistry 581.192 S.T 1949
Industrial Microbiology Samuel Cate Prescott Industrial Microbiology 660 P.I 1949
The Kinetics of Chemical Change. C.N.Hinshelwood Chemical reaction Chemical Kinetics 540 H.K. 1949
Laboratory Outlines And Notebook for Organic Chemistry Cecil E.Boord Chemistry, Organic 547 B.L 1949
Laboratory Fractional Distillation. Thomas P.Carney Distillation Fractional 660.284 C.L 1949
Multi-enzyme systems Malcolm Dixon Enzymes 574.1925 D.M 1949
A Manual of Bacterial Plant Diseases W.J.Dowson Bacterial Plant Diseases 632.3 D.M 1949
The Nature of the Bacterial Surface A.A.Miles Bacteria-Physiology 589.9 M.N 1949
Organic Reactions Vol.1,2,3,4,5 Roger Adams Chemical Reactions 547.134 A.O 1949
Outlines Of Biochemistry Ross Aiken Gortner Biochemistry 574.192 G.O 1949
Practical Organic Chemistry J.J.Sudborough Chemistry Organic 547 S.P 1949
Principles and Practice in Organic Chemistry Howard J.Lucas Chemistry,Organic 547 L.P 1949
Plant Physiology Meirion Thomas Plant Physiology 581.1 T.P 1949
The Plant Alkaloids Thomas Anderson Plants, effect of alkaloids on. 633.7 H.P 1949
Recent Advances In Analytical Chemistry R.E.Burk Oliver Grummitt Chemistry , Analytical 543 B.R 1949
Statistical Methods in Research and Production Owen L.Davies Statistics 311 D.S 1949
Surface Tension and the Spreading of Liquids. R . S.Burdon Physics Surface Tension 532.1 B.s 1949
Surface Active Agents:Their Chemistry and Technology Anthony M.Schwartz Surface Active Agents 541.3453 S.S 1949
Streptomycin :Nature and Practical Applications Selman A.Waksman Streptomycin 547.76 W.S 1949
The Soil and The Microbe. Selman A. Waksman Soil Biology 631.46 W.S 1949