Title Name Subject Call no. Year/Vol.
Effect of irrigation intervals, nitrogen and potassium fertilization rates on growth and yield of wheat (Giza 164)in upperEgypt. Mohamed Rageh Dardery

NPK Fertilizers



633.1187/M.E 1999
The effect of soil temperature and soil moisture on the soil water movement. ِAhmed Omar Ahmed Abdel-Dayem

Soils,Physical And Chemical Properties

631.432/A.E 1999
Chemical equilibrium of some elements in soils. Mohamed Abdel-Twab Hassan

Soil Chemistry

631.41/M.C 1999
Effect of some environmental factors on some medicinal plants. Mahmoud Ibrahim Raslaan

Medicinal Plants

633.88/M.E 1999
Studies on fertilization of Hohoba plants (simmondsia chinensis L ). Ahmed Fouad Abdel Hamid


633.85/A.S 1999
Balance of some trace elements in soil and plant under polluted conditions. Moustafa Helmy Alsayed

Soil ,pollution


628.55/M.B 1999
Evaluation of compost production and its properties with special reference to composts extract. Hamed Mabrouk Abdel-Motelb

Compost) Organic Farming(fertilizers)

668.6375/H.E 1999
A study on some factors affecting potassium fertilization. Mohamed Ahmed Khalil Al-Sayed

Phosphate Fertilizers  

635.26/M.S 1999
Studies on the chemical analysis of phosphorus in soils. Aladdin Murad Abdullah

Soil Chemistry 

553.64/A.S 1999
ron-zanc-organic wastes interactions and their effects on biological nitrogen fixation in newly reclaimed soils. Atef Fatah Allah Mohamed

Nitrogen fixation

Land Reclamation

631.847/A.I 1999
Nitrogen mineralization and its relation to plant growth in organic agriculture. Amal Abdle-Azeem Shaheen Al-Gamal

Nitrogen Fertilizers

Organic Farming

631.84/A.N 1999
Studies on rhizobial inoculation of some legumes using seed pelleting method. Hamdy Ahmed Anber Mustafa

 rhizobium inoculation


631.847/H.S 1999
Factors affecting utilization and development in lands and water resources of the northern area of El-Fayoum ,Egypt Ibrahim Mohamed Abdal-Aziz

Soil surveys-Egypt

Fayoum Governorate-Egypt

631.47622/I.F 1999
Organic refuses composted by micro-organisms and their effect on the availability of some nutrients in newly reclaimed soils. Mustafa Mohamed Hassan Mohamed


Land Reclamation

631.422/O.M 1999
Biochemical studies on the nitrogenous fertilization for onion plant. Amina Mahmoud Abdel-Latif

Nitrogen Fertilizers

635.25894/A.B 1999
Pedological and mineralogical aspects as criteria of soil genesis, formation and classification of the northern Nile Delta region. Nageeb Roshdy Tolba Omar

North Nile Delta

Soil Science(Pedology)

631.47621/N.P 1999
Some biotechnological aspects in studies of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Al-Sayyida Aly Hassan Abdel -Aal



Nitrogen fixation

Agricultural, Microbiology

589.46/S.S 1999
Evaluation of some methods of rice stubble management through their impact on soil properties and crop yield. Mohsen Abdel Hameed Mohamed

Fertilizers And Manures

631.847/M.E 1999
The potential fertility of some soils in south Sinai. Qutb Ibrahim Qutb

Soil Fertility & soil Amendments

south Sinai-Egypt


631.47531/K.P 1999
Effect of first post sowing irrigation and terminal irrigation timing on some water relations and predicted yield of cotton at north delta . Ramadan Hassan Aly Ubayda




633.5187/R.E 1998