Title | Name | Subject | Call no. | Year/Vol. |
Effect of irrigation and fertilization on crop yield and nutrient uptake. | Ramdan Ismail Kanany |
631.58R.E | 1996 |
Biochemical studies on some agricultural residues. | Hassan Ismail Ali Hamoda | AgriculturalŲWastes |
664.7209/H.B | 1996 |
Effect of salinity on growth and ion distribution in tow wheat varieties differed in salt tolerance. | Mohamed Reda Mahmoud Ahmad | Plants ,Effect Salts On |
633.1183/M.E | 1996 |
Evaluation of urea phosphate fertilizers in some Egyptian soils. | Asmaa Ahmed Ali Al-Basyouni | Macro Nutrients
631.85./A.E | 1996 |
Effect of traffic pollution on nitrogen fixing bacteria under some major crops. | Mohamed Nour El-Din Al-Sayed | Nitrogen fixation Soil ,pollution
633.08919/M.E | 1996 |
Effect of soil salinity and alkalinity contents of cotton plant. | Mohamed Reda Abdel-Hady Mohamed | Soils,Salinity cotton |
633.51892/M.E | 1996 |
Pedochemical studies on some soils located south of the northern lakes A.R.E. | Mohamed Hussein Saleh Naeem | Soil surveys-Egypt |
631.47621/M.P | 1996 |
Evaiuation of sewage sludge as an amendment for newly reclaimed soils. | Mohamed Rabie Mahmoud Ali | Land Reclamation |
631.869/M.E | 1996 |
Studies on the retention of some pollutants added to certain African soils in irrigation water. | Ahmed Tawfiq Saad Double | Water ,pollution |
638.16841/A.S | 1996 |
Studies on pectolytic enzymes of fungi. | Sailed Mohamed Mansour | fungi Agricultural, Microbiology |
576.11925/S.S | 1996 |
Environmental and nutritional studies on rhizobium spp(leucaena) | Diya eldin Mohamed Mohamed | Agricultural,Bacteriolog |
589.950419/D.E | 1996 |
Biochemical study on fat production from yeast. | Atiyat Abdel-Aziz Ismail | Agricultural, Microbiology Yeast |
576.119254/A.B | 1996 |
Inocula improvement to magnify the effectiveness of bradyrhizobium japonicum / soybean symbiosis in presence of various pesticides. | Nadia Mohamed Ali Ghalab | Rhizobium Inculcation Soybean |
631.847/N.I | 1996 |
Towards A new approach for assessing the hazardous effects of soil salinity and sodicity. | Moustafa Mohamed Moustafa |
soils, Alkali & Sodic |
631.825/M.T | 1996 |
Studies on irrigation and fertilization of lentil in sandy soils. | Abdel-Satar Abdu Mostafa | lentil -legume soils,Sandy |
635.65887/A.S | 1995 |
Scheduling irrigation of maize using the evaporation pan method under different fertilization regimes and their effect on soil characteristics. | Samia Mahmoud Salem | Irrigation Evapotranspiration Fertilizers And Manures |
633.1587/S.S | 1995 |
Effect of modern irrigation technology on growth and yield of wheat. | Mamdouh Moawed Masoud | Wheat |
633.1187/M.E | 1995 |
Effect of the first post planting irrigation timing and when to stop watering on cotton production. | Mustafa Qarni Muhammad Ibrahim | Irrigation |
633.5187/M.E | 1995 |
Water management of flax under different sowingdates. | Adel Youssef Salib | Soil &Water Management Flax |
633.5287A.W | 1995 |
Relation of some soil properties to its erodibility. | Saleh Al-Dien Mohamed Moustaa | Soils,Physical And Chemical Properties |
631.45/S.R | 1995 |